What makes us who we are? What shapes our hopes and dreams, and how do we adjust when things don't go as we hoped? Sheridan tackles these questions and others as he tells the story of his 100-mile pilgrimage from Lindisfarne Island to Durham Cathedral. Part travel memoir, part pilgrim's journal, The Making of Us

What makes us who we are? What shapes our hopes and dreams, and how do we adjust when things don’t go as we hoped? Sheridan tackles these questions and others as he tells the story of his 100-mile pilgrimage from Lindisfarne Island to Durham Cathedral. Enjoy this 5 hour unabridged recording of The Making of

Sheridan Voysey began an experiment during a particularly challenging time in his life: to read the Sermon on the Mount every day for a month. He soon found himself compelled to continue the practice longer. His discovery? That Matthew 5–7 contains everything we need to develop a bold, resilient life. In this captivating DVD series,

How can we stay strong when the storms of life hit? Rich with stories and deep with insight, this unabridged recording of the Resilient devotional is perfect for daily listening on the go. Take a 90-episode journey through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and recalibrate your callings, relationships, spiritual practices, and life choices to find

Some days we wake to a world of crystal skies and bright possibilities. And other days it’s to rain pelting our windows and thunder rattling our roofs. How can we stay strong when the storms of life hit—when a spouse leaves, a client sues, unemployment strikes, or our dreams fail to come true? Rich with

Expectation. Expectation. Expectation. Disappointment. After ten years of tear-soaked prayers and repeatedly dashed hopes, Sheridan Voysey and his wife come to a heart-breaking conclusion—one of their longest held dreams is over. Empty and confused from a decade of disappointment, they leave their jobs, pack their bags, and embark on a journey in search of restoration.

Winning the Christian Book of the Year award on its first Australian release, this unabridged recording of Unseen Footprints is perfect for listening on the go. Recorded in pristine quality, this MP3 download is available for immediate download and includes special guided reflection exercises.