US Resurrection Year Tour Dates!
From Sunday October 12 to November 10 I will conduct my first US speaking tour, part of an exciting year sharing the Resurrection Year message. It was never my plan to speak on the way God recycles broken dreams into something good. And Merryn and I never anticipated the response we’ve received from readers of Resurrection Year or from those hearing the message at conferences and churches. We thank God for taking this little message of restoration and bringing hope and healing through it.
Here are the US tour dates. Some vacancies remain too, so if you’d like to bring the Resurrection Year message to your church, conference or event please get in touch soon.
US Tour Dates
Sun 12, 9.00am: Church service: Celebration Church, Raleigh, NC
Sun 12, 11.00am: Church service: Celebration Church, Raleigh, NC
Tue 14 10:00am EDT: Live webinar: Infertility: Finding Hope with Empty Arms
Tue 14 1:00pm EDT: Live webinar: Shepherding the Infertile Couple
Wed 15: Radio show recording, Words to Live By
Wed 15: Chapel: RBC Ministries Global Leaders Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
Thu 15: Seminars: RBC Ministries Global Leaders Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
Thu 15, 7.00pm: A Journey Through Broken Dreams premiere, Celebration Cinema North, Grand Rapids, MI
Tue 21: TV interview recording: 100 Huntley Street
TBA: Documentary: A Journey Through Broken Dreams airs in US and Canada
Mon 3 (11:30am): Chapel: Houghton College, Houghton, NY
Tues 4 (2:00pm): Live interview and talkback, 94.7 KRKS Denver, CO
Wed 5 (9.00am): Chapel: Compassion International, Colorado Springs, CO
Sun 9: [available: register your interest]
What I’ll be Speaking On
After ten years of tear-soaked prayers and repeatedly dashed hopes, my wife Merryn and I came to the heart-breaking conclusion that our dream of having a child was over. Empty and confused from a decade of disappointment, we left our jobs, packed our bags, and embarked on a journey in search of restoration. The resulting surprises and discoveries are told in the book Resurrection Year: Turning Broken Dreams into New Beginnings and it is this message I will be sharing. God can indeed transform tragedy into something beautiful, no matter the broken dream.
What People Have Been Saying
‘My son has Aspergers and my marriage is in tatters. All my dreams are gone. But I’ve just read Resurrection Year and now feel I can start again—start finding God again’
‘We lost our first baby last year, and now my husband wants a divorce. Thank you for sharing your own broken dream with such honesty’
‘I’m crying for the first time in a very long time. Tears of healing. God is working in me through yours and Merryn’s story. I’m starting to see the dawn of new things’
‘We’ve been struggling with infertility for 4 years. Thank you for sharing the journey with such honesty’
‘Your book has broken me’
‘You voiced the cries that I thought I had alone’
Or read these kind endorsements
Bring the Resurrection Year Message to You
Want to bring the Resurrection Year message to your conference, church or other event ion 2015? Here are some resources to help you decide, then please contact me soon to discuss possible dates.
- Read about the book, watch a video of the basic story or read a free chapter
- Talks will be tailored to the specific requirements of each event
- Endorsements for my speaking are available here
- Where time permits, I can speak on these topics too
Weekends aren’t the only option. I am also available to speak at weekday events like:
- Seminary, college and university chapel services
- Combined churches evenings
- Business breakfasts
- Lunchtime events
- Resurrection Year is available as a one-day retreat also
I look forward to meeting up with you somewhere along the trip.