044 What to Expect in 2015 (plus a Funny Cartoon)
Welcome to 2015! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
If I was to describe the last few years for Merryn and me, I’d categorise them like this: 2010 was our year of crucifixion, mid-2011 to mid-2012 was our year of resurrection, 2013 was a year of planting seeds of opportunity, and 2014 was the year those seeds budded and flowered. In this post and podcast I want to gather together some of those flowers from the year (many of which are freebies you may have missed) as well as give you a heads-up on what you can expect on this blog in 2015.
And yes, I’ll also explain the cartoon above!
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Giving Thanks for 2014
What a year 2014 was. It was the year that:
Resurrection Year was shortlisted for the ECPA Christian Book of the Year Award
I began presenting Pause for Thought segments on BBC Radio 2
We saw my Mum successfully get through chemotherapy
The Journey Through Broken Dreams film was released (DVD here)
This podcast episode got 1000 downloads in a week (a first)
When God Doesn’t Heal eBook was released (got it yet? it’s FREE)
We renovated the lounge room (you should’ve seen it beforehand)
I got to speak at Spring Harvest, LICC and many other wonderful events
I had an amazing speaking tour of the United States
And had some wonderful media opportunities, including Radio 2’s Good Morning Sunday and Canada’s 100 Huntley Street:
What to Expect Here in 2015
What can you expect on the blog and podcast this year? How about:
A new book project (I can’t wait to share this with you. Subscribe for updates)
A series on living a resilient life (expect practical posts, interviews and more)
We’ll continue to explore how to discover your life calling
At least two new FREE booklets and ebooks (subscribers get first notice)
More interviews from fascinating people (including [amazon_link id=”0060628391″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Celebration of Discipline[/amazon_link] author Richard Foster)
Remember our 2013 #DigiPilgrim pilgrimage? There may be a second for you to take part in…
Due to writing commitments I’ll be speaking less in 2015 but look forward to visiting South Africa and the US again, as well as various UK events
As always, I look forward to your involvement through comments, voice mails and via Facebook, Twitter and Google+
The Cartoon
Now, I can’t ever remember owning a green jacket. Or wearing it with a red shirt. I don’t normally have that much stubble. And does my head look big in this? Thanks to artist Bob Bond I do finally have straight teeth though, so I am forever grateful. In a nice nod to the other sex, Women Alive magazine has a column called Man Alive in which they chat to a fella each issue. In February’s edition they ask me about my first public speaking disaster, the best advice I’ve been given, how I write and more – hence the cartoon.
That’s Machu Picchu in the background. As well as Sacre-Couer in France, I gave it as one of the most breathtaking places I’ve visited.
Your Response
What was your highlight of 2014? What are looking forward to in 2015? Leave a comment now or call me using the ‘Send Voicemail’ button. Please also rate and share this podcast on iTunes to help others discover it.
- I’ll be speaking on Listening to the Soul of Your Community at Westminster Theological College in Winchester this Monday, on The Power of Story at Newbold College Media Conference next month, and on Resurrection Year at Abingdon Bpatist Church in March. Details here
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