Readable (11/5)

This week’s interesting links and articles:

Persistent Prayer in a Digital Age (Father Kevin, “Increasingly, many of us are annoyed when people don’t reply to our calls, e-mails, and texts in short order. Bring this sort of expectation into the realm of prayer and believers in the 21st century are setting themselves up for frustration.”

Have we lost the art of friendship? (Marijke Hoek, “Sociologists have found that never before in western lifestyle has there been such an erosion of the wide range of relationships. In a busy lifestyle, we have neglected not only the role of friendship but also of tribe, extended family, fellowship, and community.”

Why the Hook-up Culture Is Sexist (Glenn Stanton, “The only winners of the sexual revolution have been the pornographers and other low-life misogynists. It ended up hurting all the rest far more profoundly than anyone ever imagined.”

Furniture Fit For the Kingdom ( “Harrison Higgins builds furniture made to last hundreds of years. In this short film, he describes the theology behind his furniture-making—and the beauty revealed when we treat the creation as more than a resource or even a social cause, but as a sacrament.” (video)

Looking beyond ourselves to remain true to one’s self (Brian Rosner, “In the case of Christian faith, rather than finding or defining yourself, being known by God is thought to be the key to knowing who we are. Looking beyond ourselves in order to be found might just be the key ingredient if we are to avoid an ocean of confusion and anxiety.”

And in case you missed it:

One Meal. One Body (Sheridan Voysey, “A sacrifice brought God and humanity together. A shared meal brought people together. In a most extraordinary act, Jesus became both sacrifice and fellowship meal, bringing us altogether with God.”

Jean Vanier on Welcoming the Humiliated ( “Pauline arrived at the L’Arch community suffering from epilepsy, paraplegia, and anger due to decades of humiliation. She needed to be loved, listened to and helped to discover that ‘she is more beautiful than she dares believe’.”

Healing the Wounds of Sexual Abuse ( “And then I began to realise just how broken I had been. I started to understand where my hurt and disappointment had come from and that I am not condemned. I began to forgive all who had failed me. It was the start of a brand new life.”


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