Truths to Hold When the Path Gets Tough: The Resilience Creed
Tony Horsfall is a UK-based writer, retreat leader and spiritual director. His books include Deep Calls to Deep, Spiritual Growth in a Time of Change and the best-selling Rhythms of Grace. He hosts the annual Spiritual Mentoring Forum. Tony’s next book project will be on the theme of resilience.
You already know about my interest in resilience, and I know it’s an important topic for you too. So when Tony posted what follows on his Facebook page I knew I had to share it with you.
A Creed For Courage
Main image: Ben White Above: el_staplador (cc by-nc-nd 2.0)
Many churches have statements of faith they adhere to, called creeds. Some even recite famous one like the Apostle’s Creed weekly in their services. But as Tony points out, in times of trial it isn’t these kinds of creeds we usually turn to, but what we know in our hearts about God.
So how about a Resilience Creed that expresses truths we can hold to in times of adversity and pain?
Here’s Tony’s suggestion. Print this off, stick it on your wall, and recite it daily when the path gets tough.
The Resilience Creed
I believe that God is working all things together for my good
I believe that nothing can separate me from the love of God that is mine in Christ Jesus
I believe that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength
I believe that God is faithful, and will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear, but will also provide a way of escape
I believe that his grace is sufficient for me, and that his strength is made perfect in my weakness
I believe that he who began a good work in me will bring it to completion
I believe that nothing can take me from his hand
I believe that Christ will never leave me nor forsake me
I believe that in every circumstance the Holy Spirit is my Comforter, Counsellor and Helper
I believe that God will use every trial to refine me and to make me stronger, wiser and more compassionate
© 2017 Tony Horsfall
References: Romans 8:28, Romans 8:38-39, Philippians 4:13, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Philippians 1:6, John 10:29, Hebrews 13:5, John 14:15, 1 Peter 1:7.
John Warren
Wow, good word here. Thank you for sharing. In my own journey of nearly 5 years with constant, indescribable, random pain attacks, this creed brings tears to my eyes. Affirmation that Jesus is with me; that this is NOT normal; that NOTHING can separate me from his love for me….amen and amen. Thank you!
Sheridan Voysey
I’ll pass that to Tony, John. Shalom and peace to you, friend!
hodge publishing
🙂 Good stuff…