Resurrection Year Countdown Day 5 (Photo Competition)
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Countdown Day 5
My new book Resurrection Year: Turning Broken Dreams into New Beginnings releases in just 5 days! (Tuesday May 28) As mentioned on Monday, and Tuesday, each day this week I’m posting a photo drawn from Merryn’s and my life that relates to a chapter of the memoir.
Today’s image relates to chapter 3.
Think you know what its relevance is? (Good luck!)
The most creative or insightful answer wins an ebook (PDF) copy of Resurrection Year!
Tell Me Now!
What is the relevance of the photo above to Resurrection Year, broken dreams and new beginnings? Tell me now in the comments section
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May 23, 2013
This is when you are having your first ever author’s portrait shoot, just before the launch of Unseen Footprints. You have grown irretrievably impatient with the finnicky, perfectionist photographer, and you have reached for the nearest kitchen implements with which to threaten him.
You are saying, “Look mate, I can’t hold my pensive, intelligent-looking game-face for too much longer. Hurry up and take the flipping photo or I will wollop you and your expensive lens with these ere saucepans. ”
Ugh. The price of fame.
Sheridan Voysey
Laughing so hard!
Dee Sutton
That’s you in the photo in the shirt…wandering along, looking for a place to live. With only the shirt on your back, your 2 saucepans are all you have to offer!
Sheridan Voysey
‘I can play the spoons and the saucepans. Which one first?’
“Really!?” (what you are thinking)
You have moved house and just discovered Merryn has packed those old saucepans which you thought had been culled in the pack – relevance is taking baggage with you and not letting go.
Sheridan Voysey
You’re on to something, Emma, but not quite there yet 🙂
Trying to “fix” broken dreams just like that old saucepan has a bodgy lid
Michelle Rodgers
Sorting and packing for the journey of the Resurrection Year, will the honeymoon saucepans make the cut?
Sheridan Voysey
Now, who would have such battered saucepans with them on their honeymoon?
Jo Raymond
I think…….it’s about shutting up, about closing down. It’s about not wanting to talk about the stuff that you think has been finalised, finished and dealt with. Denial, maybe. Refusal to see the situation as someone else has seen it… Maybe… Maybe I’m thinking a little too much??…..
Sheridan Voysey
Are you a psychologist by any chance, Jo? 🙂
Jo Raymond
No, I’m not a psychologist… I just ‘know’ ‘someone’ who has ‘seen’ one. Hahahaha!!!
Sheridan Voysey
Kathleen Fisher
Really Sheridan, this is sooo obvious. You’re having brussell sprouts for dinner and can’t decide which saucepan to use. Given everyone adores them so much, you want the bigger saucepan as, clearly, you can fit more in! Actually, now that I’m 40, I really do quite like these bitter mini cabbages.
Sheridan Voysey
You could not be more wrong, Kathleen. You could not be more wrong 🙂
I’m so disappointed … I thought I was spot on :P. Looking forward to hearing the real answer.
Wow I would have thought that was a really good guess! I was expecting a whole chapter at least on brussels sprouts
Oh the joys of being a house-husband! Merryn has just started her exciting new job at Oxford, and Sheridan’s getting intimately acquainted with the kitchen. What shall I cook for lunch? Baked beans? Now that can’t be too difficult – or can it? Which saucepan to use? Should I phone mum for some tips?
You have arrived at your destination in UK..found a house…moved in, unpacked partially, (the pic is not up on the wall)! can’t find the stuff you’re looking for! You’ve given up almost…Oh! where could Merryn have put it? And then you find it..that look- says this is the really old saucepans..you better get down to scrubbing it…you promised Merryn dinner will be on the table when she got back from her walk ..wanting some solitude….