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This week’s interesting links and articles:

Donkey: Kingdom of Fools Video 1 ( “Why were the first Christians thought of as fools? Who drew the first picture of Jesus on a cross? And what does donkey worship have to do with any of this?” A great 7min video!

Forgiving mother of murdered son to sell heirlooms to provide better life for killers ( “A mother whose son was stabbed to death in a brutal gang attack is to sell family heirlooms to raise thousands of pounds and help give his killers the chance to lead better lives.”

Why we should all be laughing hysterically in the magazine aisle ( “And so my big act of valor this week will be simple: I’m going to pick up the first magazine I see in the grocery store, point to the cover, and laugh like a maniac, right  in front of God and everybody.”

Archaeologists Claim They’re One Step Closer to Proving the Bible True ( “Professor Yosef Garfinkel from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a team of archaeologists have been excavating the ancient city of Khirbet Qeiyafa, and have recently unearthed a trio of cultic shrines that date back to the time of King David.”

Joel Hunter Responds to Obama’s Gay Marriage Endorsement ( “Last week President Obama acknowledged his support for same sex marriage on ABC News. Shortly before the interview the president called Dr. Joel Hunter, pastor of Northland Church near Orlando and a spiritual adviser to the president, to tell him about his decision.”

FREE Album: Iona, Treasures ( “Formed in 1989, Iona take their name from the small island off the west coast of Scotland. From the beginning, their aim has been to write spiritual, atmospheric, yet uplifting music that would stir the emotions, weaving complex patterns that echo the intricate knot work of the great Celtic artists.” Go get this!

And in case you missed it:

Meaning of Life (Sheridan Voysey, “‘The meaning of your life is the meaning you give it,’ writes philosopher A. C. GraylingSurprisingly, Grayling’s words seem to echo some found in the Bible.”

Four Questions on the Nation’s Soul video series ( “George Bernard Shaw once said that if you want to see how a society thinks, look at what it searches for. In this 6-part video series I explore a variety of social trends and suggest that four questions are bubbling up from the Australian soul, questions which I believe hint at a spiritual search.”


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