012 Your Resurrection Year Stories [Podcast/Video]
(Email and RSS subscribers please click the headline to watch the video above) Since its release four weeks ago, I’ve been receiving emails almost every day from readers telling me how Resurrection Year has changed their lives. In this video and podcast you will hear some of these touching stories. I pray they give you hope in whatever trial you might be facing.
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In the Podcast and Video
Question: How did you find hope after your own broken dream? Tell me now. In the video above I share five reader’s stories. In the audio podcast I include an extra story and a response to a question from Denise.
- ‘We lost our first baby, and now my husband wants a divorce’
- ‘We’ve been struggling with infertility for 4 years. Thank you for your book.’
- ‘As someone who has been adopted, I can relate to some of your feelings’
- ‘Your book has broken me’
- ‘I’m crying for the first time in a very long time – tears of healing’
- ‘You voiced the cries that I thought I had alone’ [Podcast only]
- ‘My life has fallen apart since my husband died. I can’t make sense of it. Do you have any idea?’ [Podcast only]
Special Announcements
- I will be doing an Australian speaking tour about Resurrection Year in October. Here’s the itinerary. There are a couple of slots vacant on this busy trip.
- Watch out for a photo essay on my trip last week to Ethiopia with Food for the Hungry (FH) on Monday, and an interview with a young boy I met named Biniyam next episode.
Episode Resources
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Question: How did you find hope after your own broken dream? Tell me now.