Still Waiting for God to Heal You? There’s Hope. Get Your FREE eBook Now
I believe in a God who heals.
I just don’t fully understand why he does, doesn’t, or his timing.
Why do some get healed through prayer and others don’t? Why do some receive instantaneous cure while others wait? Avoid anyone who offers simplistic explanations to these questions. Such matters are deep, and God has the right to keep the answers to himself for a while. Still, as we wait for healing, there must be some lessons we can learn, mustn’t there?
Waiting Well
I have written When God Doesn’t Heal, a short ebook available free, to provide some guidance on how to wait well when our prayers for healing seem delayed. It doesn’t answer every question or explain every mystery, but I do hope it offers some help.
For all my questions about divine healing, I do believe that for those who seek it from Jesus’ hand it’s not so much a matter of if but of when. And since we don’t often know the when, it can be helpful to think through how to respond in the meantime. When God Doesn’t Heal looks at three main lessons:
1. Action. Healing may wait because there is something for us to do
2. Patience. There is much to do in us during the wait
3. Expectancy. Why you can look forward to full healing one day
A Personal Journey
This small ebook started life as an article for a magazine called Discipleship Journal back in 2004. I didn’t know then how much I’d have to put my own teaching to the test. Merryn and I had already begun our journey of infertility by 2004, but prayers for healing would intensify in the coming years—ultimately without result. We have seen God recycle our suffering in surprising ways, as I recount in Resurrection Year. But questions remain. Do I still believe these words a decade later? I do.
And while this little ebook was planned for months, it was released as my mother underwent treatment for cancer—and this on top of other chronic illnesses. (She’s in remission now, but other illnesses remain.) After all the prayers for her, do I still believe in healing? I do. But this personal journey means you won’t find a triumphalist tone in these pages.
No one who’s waited for healing needs that.
They need hope.
And that’s what I believe we’re offered.
How to Get it
When God Doesn’t Heal isn’t available for sale or anywhere else online, and is yours as a thank you gift when you subscribe to my email updates. Enter your name and email below, click the confirmation email that will soon follow, and you’ll get my blog posts as they happen and the ebook in your inbox.
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And do let me know what you think. We can all learn on this journey together.
Sheridan Voysey
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