Your Resilient Practices | Resilient Session 4
It may not seem apparent at first, but there’s a structure to the Sermon on the Mount. First, Jesus invites us into his kingdom (Matthew 5:1-12), then he gives us a calling (5:13-19), then he recalibrates our relationships (5:20-48), looks at our spiritual practices (6:-7:6), shows us how to make the right choices (7:7-23), then wraps it all up with a word on putting words into action (7:24-29). Today we’re looking at his teaching on spiritual practices.
Welcome to Session 4 of this special series exploring the resilience message of the Sermon on the Mount. Do subscribe below to get the accompanying devotional material then go ahead and press play. Jesus explores four practices in his Sermon (explored in depth in the Resilient book). Here we’ll look at the prayer that ties them all together.
It’s a prayer that can save lives – even yours.
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Resilient is a book, audiobook and video series that explores the resilience message of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Comprised of 6 videos, a 6 session study guide and a 90 day devotional, it has been used in scores of churches and small groups and by thousands of individuals. Bring the Resilient message to your church, bible study or book group through these resources.
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Other Video Sessions
Session 4: Your Practices
Session 5: Your Choices
Session 6: Your Resilient Life
Thank you Sheridan for the last two sessions. Finding this helpful and challenging, and it’s such a good reminder of what we are called to as followers of Jesus. I’m writing all questions and thoughts down as I will be revisiting this lots after the last session, and also going to use the book over the next 90 day period after session6.
Thank you again Maureen
Sheridan Voysey
Wonderful. I pray your deep engagement in this series will yield great fruit!
Thank you, and thank you for your books. I love Reflect and The Making of us, I read that at beginning of the first lockdown last year. I live in Northumberland and Holy Island holds a special place in my heart.
Sheridan Voysey
As it does in my heart now too!
Wow, this is powerful!! Yes Lord, reach out and touch Mimi’s life and her child’s life. May the church come into her life to love her and bless her as she takes each step into Your path for her future.
Sheridan Voysey
Amen to that.
Keith Bower
I really have found Episode 4 “Spiritual Practices” hugely beneficial. Reading the Lord’s Prayer slowly, listening for God’s promptings and making it a corporate prayer. Thinking of others in need or trouble I found really impactful & taking action when called on. Being authentic in all facets of your life is key, whether in prayer, fasting plus demonstrating integrity.
I am looking forward to episodes 5 & 6, then accepting his challenge of reading his book and doing the 3/12 challenge of thoughtfully reading Matt 5-7 daily.
Sheridan Voysey
So glad it’s all helpful, Keith. That challenge will be fruitful, I’m sure!
Stuart Drever
Thank you. That is the best example of how to pray the Lords Prayer in a practical way that I have seen in some time. The timing of this series has been really good, as I have been giving thought and prayer for a few “Mimi’s” lately. It’s been very encouraging. Thank you for sharing it.
Sheridan Voysey
I’m really glad it’s helpful. There’s a reason why that prayer has hung around for two millennia. It’s powerful.