Resurrection Year Australian Speaking Tour
Two years ago I left Australia to relocate to Britain. I do love living here in the UK, but a trip home is well overdue. Now I get to do one! In October I’ll be visiting Australia on a speaking tour for Resurrection Year. Here are some of the main events booked. If you’re in the vicinity, I’d love you to drop by and say hello.
October Itinerary
Saturday 4 (3:10pm): Black Stump Festival, Sydney
Sunday 6 (10:00am): Thrive Community Church, Sydney
Sunday 6 (6.00pm): Georges River Life Church, Sydney
Tuesday 8 (PM): Lounge room book tour, Sydney
Wednesday 9 (7:30pm): St Paul’s Anglican Church, Sydney
Thursday 10 (6.00pm): Koorong Bookstore West Ryde book signing, Sydney
Sunday 13 (10:00am): Bayside Community Church, Sydney
Sunday 13 (5.30pm): Parramatta Baptist Church, Sydney
Wednesday 16 (1.30pm): Perth Bible College, Perth
Thursday 17 (time TBA): Armadale Congregational and local churches, Perth
Saturday 19 (10.00am): Koorong Bookstore Mt Lawley book signing, Perth
Saturday 19 (6.00pm): Riverview Church, Perth
Sunday 20 (9.00am, 11:15am, 6.00pm): Riverview Church, Perth
Monday 21 (1.30-3.30pm): St Stephens School, Perth
Monday 21: Open event, Woodvale Baptist Church, Perth
Tuesday 22- : [holidays, Brisbane]
Thursday 24 (6.00pm): Koorong Bookstore Springwood book signing, Brisbane
I will be speaking predominantly about my new book Resurrection Year: Turning Broken Dreams into New Beginnings, the centerpiece message of which will be a talk called ‘After the Wilderness, a New Beginning’ which will explore how God transforms tragedy into something beautiful.
If you are interested in me speaking for your conference or event in the future, please explore some of my topics and then tell me about your event.
I look forward to meeting up with you Down Under!