These 8 Exercises Can Help You Find God & Deepen Your Spiritual Life
‘The unexamined life isn’t worth living,’ stated Socrates. ‘Superficiality is the curse of our age,’ says Richard Foster. In our information-rich, time-poor culture—where a myriad of texts, tweets, emails, calls, ads, hyperlinks and deadlines demand attention each day—we can become nurtured in the art of superficiality and inattention. Modern life seems designed to constantly distract us. Our souls quickly get neglected. Our lives are never examined.
For over a decade my little book Unseen Footprints: Encountering the Divine Along the Journey of Life has helped people find God and deepen their spiritual life. To help dive deep into its message, I’ve put together the Unseen Footprints Study Guide.
- A full 37 page guide ready for immediate download
- Includes discussion questions for each chapter plus transformative exercises
- Use it for personal reflection or small group discussion
- An easy way to help others find God and deepen their spiritual life
And the best part? The Study Guide is FREE to new and current subscribers of this blog!
The 8 Exercises

The Unseen Footprints Study Guide includes eight short exercises to help you examine your interior world and spot God’s unseen footprints in your life:
Exercise 1: Learning to Become Attentive
An exercise to help you become attentive to life, nature and God
Exercise 2: Writing Your Spiritual Memoir
Helping you get a bird’s-eye view of your spiritual life to date
Exercise 3: Clarifying What You Seek
How you search for purpose, guidance, liberation and belonging
Exercise 4: Hearing the Whispers of God
Spotting God’s presence in your life through people, places and experiences
Exercise 5: Uncovering Your Images of God
We all have an image of what God is like. Where did yours come from?
Exercise 6: Finding Fellow Travelers
Finding and forming spiritual friendships
Exercise 7: Praying an Ancient Prayer
A tour through the powerful Lord’s Prayer
Exercise 8: A Letter to God
An honest way to clarify where you’re at with God and spirituality
How to Get it
The Unseen Footprints Study Guide isn’t available for sale or anywhere else online, and is yours as a thank you gift when you subscribe to my email updates. Enter your name and email below, click the confirmation email that will soon follow, and you’ll get the ebook in your inbox and my blog posts as they happen.
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