“Go at the Speed of Joy,” He Said. But Could I?
Sitting in a hotel room late last year, six words dropped into my mind: Go at the speed of joy. I’ve been trying to put them into practice ever since.
The Bird That Lost its Song. A Parable
The regent honeyeater bird is in trouble—it's losing its song. Once an abundant species in south-eastern Australia, now just 300 remain, and with so few mates to learn from, the males are forgetting their own song and trying to mimic the songs of other birds instead—leaving the female honeyeaters confused and their numbers in decline. Losing
On Death Row for 28 Years. Here’s How Anthony Ray Hinton Stayed Joyful
In 1985 Anthony Ray Hinton was charged with a double-murder, found guilty by a jury, and sentenced to death. But he was innocent. His sentence was overturned only in 2015—nearly thirty years later. What’s most astounding about Ray’s story is that he faced those 28 gruelling, unfair years with joy. How?
What Makes You Happy? Whatever it is, it Points to Something Greater
What makes you happy? The smell of baked bread, seeing adversity overcome, viewing the world through a child's eyes or sinking into soft pillows at the end the day? Here are a few things that make me happy, and why I believe everyday joys like these point to something greater still.