Healing the Wounds of Jesus’ Followers
I write this with a heavy heart, as heavy as yours may already be from the revelations of Ravi Zacharias' hidden life. If you hadn't heard of him, Zacharias was considered one of this era's greatest Christian apologists. If you haven't heard the news, an independent investigation found he had systematically groomed vulnerable women over many years,
Healing the Wounds of Sexual Abuse: Jenny’s Story
In 2012 'Jenny' contacted me after seeing Andy Sorenson describe his experience of childhood sexual abuse. When I published Jenny's own story of pain, it struck a chord with many. It's time it was heard again. Please note that Jenny's story is graphic in places. But it is a story of hope and healing too
047 How and When to Share Your Pain with Others
By taking the risky step of sharing your pain with others, surprising community can result. That was the message of my last post and podcast. But there's a time to share your suffering with others and a time not to. Here's how to work out the difference.
046 Your Pain Can Get You Inside This Secret Tribe
There is a Tribe whose members are both hidden and everywhere around you. Initiation to this Tribe comes through suffering, inclusion comes through pain. If you’ve walked through the wilderness and born wounds from it, you’re an initiate. Take the vulnerable step of revealing your scars and you’ll soon be welcomed in.
045 How Author Beth Moran Broke Her Life of Silence
Imagine dropping grades in exams because your pen ran out of ink and you couldn’t ask for a replacement. Imagine hiding from friends you saw in the street because you were too afraid to say hello. That was author Beth Moran's life. In this interview you'll hear how she can now sit on a conference
Still Waiting for God to Heal You? There’s Hope. Get Your FREE eBook Now
Why do some get healed through prayer and others don't? Why do some receive instantaneous cure while others wait? Today I release a new ebook on how to respond when our prayers go unanswered. It doesn’t answer every question, but I hope it offers help. It's available FREE for you now.
Jean Vanier on Welcoming the Humiliated
In this moving 7 minute film, Jean Vanier tells the story of Pauline, a woman who arrived at his L'Arch community suffering from epilepsy, paraplegia, and anger due to decades of humiliation. As Jean explains, Pauline needed more than professional help. She needed to be loved, listened to and helped to discover that 'she is