Bring The Making of Us to Your Small Group With This FREE Leader’s Guide and Personalised Video
The Making of Us has totally blown me away and awakened something I didn’t know was there. It’s fair to say it’s been life-changing for me
I never expected The Making of Us would have such a profound effect on me. It has awakened longings for true meaning and fulfilment that have laid buried for many years because of life’s wounds. Realising that our broken dreams and thwarted hopes need not define us but can truly be ‘the making of us’ is a momentous discovery
Each week I’m getting feedback like Rachel and Tracey’s, people finding new life, identity and purpose through reading The Making of Us. It’s all so exciting! I’ve discovered too that people are using The Making of Us in their book clubs and church small groups. Since I believe small groups are potent tools for personal change, this is doubly exciting. And that got me thinking…
Can I ‘Visit’ Your Small Group?

‘Hey Sheridan,’ Mike messaged me, ‘we’re studying The Making of Us in our small group. Could you record a short video to welcome everyone?’ It was fun to send Mike his video, and it got me thinking: Why can’t I do that for other groups too? So, if you’re planning to use The Making of Us in a group of at least 7 to 12 people:
I will record a 2-3 minute video personalised just for you
I will share the story behind the book and some ideas to get you started
This will be a fun way for us to get to know each other!
How About a Leader’s Guide Too?

The Reflection Questions included in the back of The Making of Us means you’re already set to do an 11-week discussion series straight away. But as some groups will want a more condensed plan, I’ve written a 7-session guide complete with video links. Each week group members read one-to-two chapters of the book on their own, then gather to discuss what they learned and go deeper together.
Session 1: Introduction
A starter discussion on dreams, life plans and hope
Session 2: Souls Adrift
How difficult times can lead us closer to God
Session 3: Pilgrimage
The various ways God guides our lives
Session 4: Significance
Love, friendship and other significance-building gifts
Session 5: In-Between Times
Avoiding fatigue, comparison and other temptations along the path
Session 6: Trial and Talent
How to transform adversity into profound good
Session 7: The Creed
Where participants complete a personalised life-direction document
Let’s Do This

Step 1: Get Your Books
Order The Making of Us online, or call your local bookstore and ask for a bulk discount!
Step 2: Download Your Leader’s Guide
Enter your name and email below (you’ll start receiving my blog posts and other goodies too)

By subscribing you consent for your email to be used to send you ebooks, blog posts and other information from me. Your information will never by handed to another party for marketing purposes. More on privacy here.
Step 3: Request Your Personalised Video
When you’ve set a start date for your series, email me with the name of your group, the leader’s name, your city and country, and your start date. I’ll record your video and send it to you via a download link. Make sure you give me at least a week’s notice.
When life as we know it ends, new adventures can begin. When identity is lost, we can discover who we really are. The adversity we face can release our greatest gifts into the world. This is the message of The Making of Us and I can’t wait to bring it to your small group.