Synergy Senior Leader’s Retreat


I will lead a retreat for senior leaders in the Synergy family of churches across the UK, Spain and USA.

Hope Conference


I will be the keynote speaker at this 3-day conference for 300 leaders and educators run by The Excellence Centre, part of the Pacific Group of Schools in Australia. The theme will be Hope Through Contentment. Due to Covid, this event has now moved online.

BBC Local Radio Sunday Service

Your local BBC Radio station , United Kingdom

I will present and give the 'sermon' on this radio church service heard on all 38 local BBC Radio stations throughout the UK, reaching over 826,000 listeners. A wonderful idea from the BBC.

Christian Schools Trust Conference


I will give the opening keynote message at this event for educators and key leaders of Christian schools across the United Kingdom.

Synergy Leader’s Conference


I will give a keynote message and participate in round table discussions for this leader's conference for the Synergy group of churches in the UK, Spain and USA.

Walsall Community Church


I'll be speaking at Walsall Community Church (live via Zoom) on the topic of joy. Open to all.

Northern Saints Pilgrimage

Various Durham, UK

Originally planned for May 2020 and postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Durham Diocese of the Church of England is launching five new pilgrimage routes into Durham Cathedral this year. Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham, will be walking each one with a guest and has invited me to join him on the Way of […]

New Wine United


With the physical event again unable to proceed this year, New Wine's online event United Breaks Out is back. I'm looking forward to speaking 'This Could Be the Making of Us' (from my book The Making of Us) as part of their afternoon program.

Christian Media & Arts Conference


I will again be contributing to this industry-leading media and arts conference. Due to Covid-19, this event will be a dual online and in-the-room event, on Queenland's Gold Coast. I will be speaking on discerning disinformation from truth, and other topics.

Christian Schools Trust Conference


I will give the opening keynote for Christian Schools' Trust's winter conference. The topic will be The Power of Friendship, looking at the art and science of this fundamental relationship.