009 Our Journey of Infertility, Adoption and IVF
The secret is out. Merryn and I have never been able to have children. In this video and podcast I tell our story of infertility, IVF and attempted adoption, and how we were able to start again after bringing the dream of a family to an end.
Watch the Resurrection Year Webcast [Video]
To celebrate the launch of Resurrection Year on May 28, Merryn and I would like to invite you to a special event at our place: a video webcast, streamed live from our lounge room with authors Adrian and Bridget Plass as special guests!
Resurrection Year Video Trailer
Here's the video trailer for my next book, Resurrection Year: Turning Broken Dreams into New Beginnings. There were no lights, make up, or scripts - just some ad-libbed thoughts recorded to camera while I was in Nashville last year. So
The Story of God
We live in a world confused about meaning, guidance, liberation and love—as this video series has been exploring. Is there a story that can interrupt that confusion, open our eyes, and help us find some clarity? I believe there is, and in this 9 minute video I tell it.
In a lonely world, where can I find love?
In a lonely world, where can I find love? In this 5 minute video I look at trends like single-person households in Australia, the phenomenal rise of social networking sites, and ‘sexting’ as signs of our deep longing for love.
In a broken world, where can I find liberation?
In a broken world, where can I find liberation? In this 5 minute video, I look at trends like ‘secular confessionals’, the rise of counselling centres and the discovery of forgiveness by the healing professions as signs of our search for personal freedom.
In a confusing world, where can I find guidance?
Where is my life heading? What does the future hold? All of us ask such questions. In this 6 minute video I look at the popularity of life coaching, Mind-Body-Spirit festivals and the Dalai Lama as ways our 'secular' societies are searching for spiritual guidance.
In a materialistic world, where can I find meaning?
In his book The Future Files, futurist Richard Watson outlines five current world trends, one of which he calls a ‘renewed search for personal meaning’. In this 8 minute video I look at the rise of workplace spirituality, voluntourism and consumerism, and suggest that they are part of what Richard Watson is talking about.
An Anxious Woman in a Faded Floral Dress
George Bernard Shaw once said that if you want to see how a society thinks, look at what it searches for. In this 6-part video series I explore a variety of social trends and suggest that four questions are bubbling up from the Australian soul, questions which I believe hint at a spiritual search.
Andy Sorenson Sang and Everyone Cried
Throughout the 1990s Andy Sorenson was one of the most in-demand Christian artists in Australia. Then he slipped away from the live music scene. There were a number of reasons why—the more serious of which you’re about to discover in this interview. Watch as Andy talks about the sexual abuse he encountered as a child