God is calling us, trying to get our attention. But he rarely shouts to make himself heard. Instead, he whispers to us. Before we've even opened a Bible he has been drawing, beckoning, whispering. Will we stop to hear him? Will we even attempt to hear his voice? Here are four ways he whispers to

If God's unseen footprints walk in and out of our lives, how can we begin to discern and follow them? Here is Episode 1 in a special series of articles and podcasts on the themes of my book, Unseen Footprints: Encountering the Divine Along the Journey of Life. We'll explore unseen realities and conclude with

Next to Billy Graham, perhaps no one has defined modern evangelical Christianity like John Stott. On Wednesday afternoon, July 27 2011, Stott finished his race - dying in the presence of friends, with Scripture being read to him and Handel's Messiah playing in the background. Stott lived a remarkable life, left a remarkable legacy and