Next to Billy Graham, perhaps no one has defined modern evangelical Christianity like John Stott. On Wednesday afternoon, July 27 2011, Stott finished his race - dying in the presence of friends, with Scripture being read to him and Handel's Messiah playing in the background. Stott lived a remarkable life, left a remarkable legacy and

Just before I left Australia for the UK I was privileged to be interviewed by Simon Smart at the Centre for Public Christianity. In this short 7 minute video Simon asks me about my time hosting Open House, in particular: some of my favourite interview guests, a surprising guest, guests who displayed unusual wisdom and

Friends, I may not have been fully up-front with you. Yes, I’m moving to the UK. But the real reason why is this: the end of the world is coming. It’s coming soon and I'm hoping Britain fairs better than Australia! According to US radio preacher Harold Camping, the final Judgement begins on May 21

My colleagues have just honoured me with a service award for my 'contribution to Australian Christian broadcasting'. Many people have invested their time and energies into me over the years, and it is from them that I learn an important lesson: when success, awards and recognition come give thanks for those who have been a