The Best Books I Read in 2017 (all 30 of them)
It’s that time again: my annual roundup of best books read in the past year. Memoirs, love affairs, spiritual crises, faith and philosophy, the search for contentment, church life in small town America, and - of course - more Marilynne Robinson. If you love exploring life, love and spirituality, in both fiction and non-fiction
Do You Need a ‘Fallow Year’? The Ancient Art of a Year of Rest
'You reap what you sow' is a powerful principle describing the way much of life works. Plant a seed of goodness, kindness or faith, and a harvest of it will follow later. But the metaphor assumes the seed is sown into healthy soil. What if it's not? What happens when we keep trying to get
Not Just Women: Childlessness Cuts Men Up Too
For too long childlessness has been seen solely as a female issue. As a result the feelings of men facing infertility have been sidelined. Now new research has shown childlessness can affect a man's mental health, self-esteem, relationships, masculinity, even his career and finances. And he is often ignored during the treatment process or in
Hugh Hefner’s Legacy is Nothing to Celebrate (an Important Guest Post)
Sometimes a friend of mine will get a fire in their belly and write something we should hear, however uncomfortable. Clare Bruce is a journalist and friend who was more than a bit concerned about the accolades Playboy chief Hugh Hefner garnered recently. Given today is the UN's International Day of the Girl Child, this
Truths to Hold When the Path Gets Tough: The Resilience Creed
Some churches have statements of faith they adhere to, called creeds. But they’re often not the kind of thing we turn to in times of trial. So my author friend Tony Horsfal wrote his own: a courage-building ‘Resilience Creed’—one that expresses the kind of truths we can hold to in times of adversity and pain.
Confused About the Direction of Your Life? This Might Help
My life has been anything but a straight path. I’ve been nightclub DJ, a youth worker, a radio host, an author, a speaker; I’ve had spiritual crises, burnout, and broken dreams; and life’s curve balls have often landed me where I least expected. It used to trouble me. Until one day, out hiking, I noticed
The Pitter Patter of Tiny Feet…
If you know a little of my and Merryn's story, perhaps from reading Resurrection Year, you'll know that for many years now there's been something missing in our lives. An unmet longing. A space in our hearts we couldn't fill. Well, after years of waiting and praying, wondering if it would happen… Merryn and I
Four Reasons Why You Should Try a Social Media Fast
I’ve just completed a four-week social media fast. My time offline left me more energised, clearer in thought, and less annoyed, depressed and jealous (this might be a revealing post!) Here's what I learned and why I think it's worth scheduling a periodic social media fast into your calendar too.
In a Fast Food World, Are We Losing the Art of Sacred Meals?
When was the last time you had a truly special meal where you left the table changed, uplifted, fulfilled? You came burdened but left lighter (at least emotionally). Your soul was filled, not just your stomach. We need more of these sacred meals. But what is it that makes a meal truly sacred? A few
Seeking Fulfilment Through Your Career? Try This Instead
What a gift it is to do work you love. To get paid for using your talents, and contribute to society. And since we spend so much of our lives working, it makes sense to seek a fulfilling career. But have we gotten things unbalanced? When work becomes our primary source of personal fulfilment—it leaves