With 70 percent unemployment and 80 percent of its people living in poverty, Haiti merits its label as the most impoverished nation in the western hemisphere. Electricity is irregular, as is the water supply. The landscape is baron as 97 percent of the trees have gone. One in 14 Haitian children never reach their first

William 'Paul' Young's book The Shack has been a publishing phenomenon. Originally written for his kids, the book went viral and has since sold millions. Its tale of Mack losing his daughter Missy and meeting God to discover an answer to suffering has been hailed by many as life-changing. The book has also caused much

In this second book of conversations drawn from Sheridan Voysey’s Open House radio show, we peer into the lives of national and international personalities like Steve Waugh, Gloria Gaynor, Nicky Cruz, William Paul Young, Anne Rice, Lee Strobel, Richard Foster, Barry McGuire, Brian ‘Head’ Welch, Shane Claiborne and many more.