Look Beyond the Pain to the Victory
In the crumbling medieval church of North Yorkshire's Mount Grace Priory stands a striking piece of artwork – the Madonna Of The Cross. Crafted by the sculptor Malcolm Brocklesby in 1996, the piece invites us to ask some hard questions about our lives and callings.
Resurrection Year
Expectation. Expectation. Expectation. Disappointment. After ten years of tear-soaked prayers and repeatedly dashed hopes, Sheridan Voysey and his wife come to a heart-breaking conclusion—one of their longest held dreams is over. Empty and confused from a decade of disappointment, they leave their jobs, pack their bags, and embark on a journey in search of restoration.
The God of Surprises
How do you get the attention of a world that thinks it knows what Jesus is all about, when it is often only familiar with misconceptions? You do what Jesus did—you tell surprising, beguiling, captivating stories. A piece written for the #BigRead13 Lent event, with former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.
The Lord is My Pace Setter
2013 has started a little rushed for me with a house renovation, approaching speaking engagements, a book to launch and more. But this revision of Psalm 23 by the Japanese poet Toki Miyashina has forced me to take a breath. The Lord is my shepherd? No. For the busy urbanite, The Lord is my pace
The Snow Falls in Oxford
The snow has fallen early in Oxford this year, turning parts of the city into a silvery wonderland. (A short photo essay.)
You’re Alive. Are You Grateful?
Here's a clip from ND Wilson's film Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl. After describing life as art, Nate switches thoughts, proffers a little reflection on biology, and reminds us that there are 8 million other people who could have been here instead of us. Are we grateful for our existence?
Time to Show You the Cover for Resurrection Year!
Here is the cover design for my next book Resurrection Year. As the subtitle suggests, Resurrection Year is a book about starting again after a dream has died, and recounts Merryn's and my move to England for a 'new beginning' of our own. As the back cover says, Resurrection Year is “one part spiritual memoir
Jesus Comes to Warrington
What if the famous story of Jesus and the woman at the well happened not in first century Samaria, but in England today? What would it look like? Who would the woman be and what would Jesus say? Perhaps he'd say something like this.
A Story About Starting Again (Resurrection Year excerpt)
I have just finished the first draft of my next book - a memoir about broken dreams and new beginnings. Here's a little story from it about hope. You can start again after a dream has died because God is a God of new beginnings.
Exciting News: My Next Book with Thomas Nelson
I have some exciting news. As of last week I have signed a contract with US publishing giant Thomas Nelson for my next book. It is not the kind of book I was ever expecting to write. Here's how it came about.