007 Bob, Larry and Dreams. The Phil Vischer Interview
In 1989 22 year-old Phil Vischer launched an animated kids show starring a cast of talking vegetables. It became the massively popular VeggieTales series. In this interview Phil talks candidly about the rise and fall of his company, and the lessons he learned about dreams, success, failure and God.
Introducing the Resurrection Year Launch Team
Last week my publishers and I offered an opportunity for you to join the Resurrection Year Launch Team and read my next book for free. Here is a list of the team with their Blog, Facebook or Twitter addresses, some initial comments, and directions on how you can get involved too.
006 Let’s Have an Adventure (Resurrection Year excerpt) [Podcast]
In this episode of More Than This I release a new excerpt of my forthcoming book Resurrection Year, and read all three excerpts so far released. While previous excerpts reflected the 'broken' and ‘recovery’ sides of the story, this piece reflects the bridge between when hope starts to bud.
005 One Hilarious Chat with Adrian Plass
I’m often asked to name a favourite radio interview I’ve done and this 2001 conversation is always on the list. Adrian Plass is a British writer, speaker, poet and humorist. In this interview we talk about finding the funny side of life and church. Little did I know in 2001 just what this interview would
004 Why Does God Hide? [Podcast]
Why is God invisible? Why doesn't he 'appear' in front of us? Even when he does appear, he comes disguised as a pillar of cloud, a whisper, or a burning bush, and even Jesus - God in human form - wasn't instantly recognisable after his resurrection. So why does God so love to hide? In
003 The Nick Vujicic Interview [Podcast]
Imagine entering life without arms or legs. In 1982 Nick Vujicic was born with the rare Tetra-amelia disorder, a condition which still baffles doctors today. Yet, with one small foot and a lot of faith, Nick is living a most extraordinary life and bringing hope to millions.
Resurrection Year Video Trailer
Here's the video trailer for my next book, Resurrection Year: Turning Broken Dreams into New Beginnings. There were no lights, make up, or scripts - just some ad-libbed thoughts recorded to camera while I was in Nashville last year. So
002 Following God into the Unknown
The African Impala is a deer-like animal that can jump to great heights, yet be contained in any zoo with just a one metre high wall. Why? Because it won't jump if it can't see where it's feet will land. That's like many of us: we won't take a leap of faith unless we know
001 The Philip Yancey Interview
Where is God When it Hurts? What’s So Amazing About Grace? The Jesus I Never Knew. Prayer. Philip Yancey sits in his den tapping out books that inspire millions. In this inaugural episode of More Than This, Yancey reveals something his personal life and answers listener's questions.
Ten Years in the Wilderness (Resurrection Year excerpt)
Here is a second excerpt from my forthcoming book, Resurrection Year, a book about recovering from broken dreams. As the CS Lewis character in Shadowlands says, 'We read to know we're not alone.' If you've had a broken dream, you aren't alone. And a new beginning is possible for you too.