Dealing with Broken Dreams: Live at Riverview Church
Most of us believe in the Disney Dream: that our prince will come, the damsel will be rescued, and the fairy tale of our lives will come true. But what do we do when the the fairy tale doesn't come true? Here's our Resurrection Year story recorded at Riverview Church, Perth.
Resurrection Year Australian Speaking Tour
Two years ago I left Australia to relocate to Britain, so a trip home is well overdue. In October I'll be visiting Australia on a speaking tour for Resurrection Year. Here are some early events booked and an opportunity to add yours to the list.
021 The Highs and Lows of Our Pilgrimage Experience [Video/Podcast]
Our pilgrimage from Lindisfarne to Durham is over, and it now seems like a dream that DJ Konz and I walked 100 miles to see the historic Lindisfarne Gospels. Here are the daily videoblogs we recorded along the trek, and a podcast in which we process the highs and lows of the experience.
020 How to Prepare for a Pilgrimage
At its best, a pilgrimage is a meaningful journey with a sacred purpose. Have you ever wanted to do one? If so, here are 4 tips we've learned while preparing for upcoming #DigiPilgrim trek to Durham.
Your #DigiPilgrim Online Pilgrimage Itinerary
On Sunday September 15 my friend DJ and I are walking 100 miles from Lindisfarne to Durham where the Lindisfarne Gospels are on display. You'll get to follow along with our daily videoblogs, tweets, photos and reflections. Here's the itinerary.
019 Why You Should Consider Doing a Pilgrimage
Have you ever been on a pilgrimage to a holy place? Have you ever wanted to? In this podcast my friend DJ Konz and I explore what pilgrimage is, how it can benefit your spiritual life, and our progress preparing for our own trek to see the Lindisfarne Gospels.
Join Me for the #DigiPilgrim Online Pilgrimage to Durham
On Sunday September 15 my friend DJ and I will undertake an 8-day pilgrimage from the Holy Island of Lindisfarne to Durham Cathedral to see the 1300 year-old Lindisfarne Gospels. Want to join us?
018 Infertility and Grief: Does the Pain Ever Go Away?
Proverbs 30 describes the barren womb as 'never satisfied'. In this video and podcast I respond to Becky's question: does the pain and longing of infertility ever go away, or just lessen over time?
017 Jesus Meets Crystal in a Cafe on Collins Street
What if the famous story of Jesus and the woman at the well happened not in first century Samaria, but in Hobart, Australia, today? Who would the woman be and what would Jesus say to her? Perhaps he'd say something like this.
016 Grandma to 8000 Children. The Irene Gleeson Interview
In 1991 Irene Gleeson sold her home, flew to Uganda, towed a caravan to the war zone of Kitgum and began to teach war-traumatised children under a mango tree. Sadly, Irene passed away in July 2013. But not before leaving behind a remarkable legacy.