029 A Conversation on the Meaning of Life
42. Ever since Deep Thought in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy gave it as the 'answer' to the meaning of life we've never been able to keep a straight face about the question since. And yet it's a question we all ask. In this podcast, UCB UK's Paul Hammond asks me for some answers.
My Resurrection Year by Hannah Teoh [Photo Essay]
'I strongly felt that a visit to Kenya to see Caroline could be a consolation prize of sorts to help me discover another aspect of God. In October 2013, I had the opportunity to go to Nairobi for some project meetings. It was evident that I had to extend my trip to meet Caroline.'
028 Discover Your Calling In 2014
As I hear from readers of Resurrection Year, a common theme is developing: people are unsure what to do with their lives. They're unsure of their calling. I've felt this hunger too, so the topic of discovering your calling and mission in life seems a good topic to explore this year.
027 The Wise Men of Christmas and Your Spirituality
The story of the Wise Men following a star to find the Christ child is one of the most retold stories at Christmas time. And for good reason. Beyond being a nice tale, it be a paradigm for the discovery of a rich spiritual life.
026 Four Ways to Have a Resurrection Year
'I have a question,' the lady at the back of the auditorium said into the microphone. 'How can I have my own Resurrection Year? I mean, what can I do?' In this video, podcast and article I'll give you four ideas you can try.
025 The Nicky Cruz Interview [Podcast]
Reared in an abusive home, Nicky Cruz joined Brooklyn’s infamous Mau-Maus gang and rose to become one of New York’s most feared gang leaders. Then a bespectacled country pastor uttered three words that forever changed his life. In this moving interview, Nicky tells his story.
024 A Simple Rhythm for a Profound Spiritual Life
Have you ever noticed that Jesus, at first, didn’t call his earliest followers to pray, do justice, heal the sick or share the gospel? Instead, he called them to do two things and two things alone. Here they are. If we grasp this simple rhythm, it will result in a transformative spiritual life.
023 The Seven Signs of Forgiveness
Few of us get through life without experiencing some deep offence done to us. How do we forgive the offenders? Should we even try? In this popular interview RT Kendall shares seven ‘proofs’ that we’ve totally forgiven someone.
022 After the Wilderness, a New Beginning
Can anything good come out of painful 'wilderness' experiences like grief, unwanted singleness, infertility or failure? I believe so. In this talk I explore how God makes the wilderness a place of surprising revelation, provision and discovery.
My 2013 Reading List
I like to read. While the busyness of releasing Resurrection Year means I haven't gotten to as many books as I would've liked this year, my 2013 reading list hasn't been bad. Here it is.