A Lesson on Courage
Each week 16 million people listen to BBC Radio 2. Now, not all of them were listening when I joined early morning host Alex Lester on Easter Monday to present the long-running Pause for Thought segment, but a few were! I was asked to talk about courage. Here's what I came up with.
034 Will I Regret it?
It's time to talk about regret. Or more specifically, the fear of future regret. If you decide it's time to let your unfulfilled dream go, will you one day regret it? Read this touching letter from Renee. What advice would you give her?
033 When Do You Let a Dream Die?
In Resurrection Year I shared how Merryn and I brought our dream of having a family to an end. Since then I've even advised people that giving up a dream can be important for their healing. But one major question remains, one I’ve been reluctant to address until now: When do you know it's time
032 Six Tests for a God-Given Dream
We all have dreams for our lives, families, businesses or church ministries. One thing is sure: God's dream for us is better than our own. But how can we know whether the dream we have for our lives is God's dream, or simply the product of our own ego-driven imaginations? Here are 6 tests to
Resurrection Year US and UK Speaking Tour
After last October's eventful Australian speaking tour, I'm excited to announce that this October I'll be again heading overseas to share the Resurrection Year story - this time in the United States.
Can You See all the Broken Beauty? (30 Photos)
Merryn and I have just returned from a holiday to southern Italy. It was a trip filled with both beauty and decay. Yet even in the decay a subtle beauty was found - a 'broken beauty' which can help us see our own lives in a new way. Here are 30 photographs to show you
031 Discover Your Purpose by Uncovering Your SHAPE
According to Eric Rees, discovering your purpose is all about uncovering your SHAPE: your Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality type and Experiences. Get your pen and notepad ready - Eric is about to coach you through the process.
A Rough Guide to Your 40s
If our 20's are about establishing identity, starting a career and finding someone to marry, and our 30's are about deepening our career and transitioning to parenthood, what are the 40's about? What challenges and opportunities do the 40's offer? Here is some crowd-sourced wisdom.
030 Meaning, Calling, Happiness. The Os Guinness Interview
Does everyone have a 'calling' in life? How does calling relate to work? How do you discover your calling? Os Guinness is the author of over twenty books, including The Call. In this interview you'll hear him discuss the idea and how it relates to your meaning and happiness.