The One Question the Dalai Lama Couldn’t Answer. Can You?
I once went to hear the Dalai Lama give a public talk. He spoke on the importance of compassion, then took questions from the audience. The last question came from the MC: “Your holiness—what is the meaning of life?” The audience leaned in as he stared at the ground, quietly thinking about his answer…
How God Redeems Broken Dreams (New Video Live from London)
Dreams. We all have them. But by our 40s, some of us have had to watch our dreams die. Yet even those broken dreams can become something beautiful. In this video I explain how sometimes the 'wilderness' - the dark and barren place of longing and loss – is in fact the best place for
Donald Trump’s Win Sends Two Subtle Messages That Require Our Response
Hillary was always going to be bad news. I get that. I also get that a vote for Donald Trump in the US Presidential election was for many not so much a vote for him as against Clinton, the establishment she represents, and some of the radical policies she stands for. I understand that, for
Are Angels Real? These Stories Will Get You Wondering
When I raised the topic of angelic encounters with my social media friends, I was expecting some nice stories about lights in the sky and perhaps a few kind strangers. Instead, their stories truly opened my eyes…
Resilient 6-Session DVD
Sheridan Voysey began an experiment during a particularly challenging time in his life: to read the Sermon on the Mount every day for a month. He soon found himself compelled to continue the practice longer. His discovery? That Matthew 5–7 contains everything we need to develop a bold, resilient life. In this captivating DVD series,
I’m Suffering. Is God Punishing Me?
Ever since writing Resurrection Year I've received hundreds of emails from people sharing their broken dreams and heartaches. In some, I've noticed a subtle belief that their trials are divine retribution of some kind—a punishment for their mistakes or wrongs. If you've ever felt the same, you're not alone. But the feeling needs to be
Is Spock a Christ Figure? After 50 Years of Star Trek, Some Think So
It was fifty years ago this week when the sci-fi pop culture phenomenon Star Trek, first hit TV screens. While it's mostly largely secular humanist in outlook, that hasn't stopped religious themes slipping into Star Trek's storylines, sometimes quite overtly. In fact, its most beloved character has done some very Christ-like things.
Need Some Direction? Well Don’t Just Pray. Move.
As a young, new Christian, I was struggling to find my path in life. For two years I’d prayed about how I should serve God, yet I still had no clear direction for my life. Until one day, I learnt what Jesus said about making good choices… and my whole approach changed.
One of The Best Things You’ll Hear Today: You Are Known
In a world of global connections but ever-declining intimacy, of burgeoning cities with more and more alienated souls, of billions of individuals who secretly wonder if anyone really cares, here is a truth that heals and liberates: you are intimately known.
Need Better Friendships? Here Are Four Things That Make Them Rich
'Who can you call in the middle of the night when everything has gone wrong?" When I first heard this question some years ago it shook me to the core. I didn't have an answer. Even recently, I've found myself in need of deeper friendships. So I did some thinking and came up with a