The One Thing Men Can’t Talk Openly About Yet. But What if We Did?
Last year I took part in a piece for a breakfast TV show. As the cameraman and I were driving to the filming location, he told me a story. "Last night some mates and I were in the pub," he said, "and the conversation turned to depression. It turns out some of the guys are
Why Believe? In the End, Christianity Rises or Falls on These Two Things
Some days I wonder why I’m a Christian. In a secular age, it isn’t great for your career; in some countries, following Jesus can sign your death sentence. With so many spiritual alternatives, why believe? I got thinking about this recently. A memory of a close call in the Dominican Republic helped bring my reasons
Do You Trust Me? One Woman’s Wrestle to Trust God with the Unexplainable
If you’ve seen or gone through a deep grief, you'll probably know the battle that takes place between your head and heart, while you’re trying to understand, come to terms with loss, and still trust God. Today I'm publishing an entry from someone's private journal - someone walking that wilderness, wrestling with God while learning
Remembering Eugene Peterson (1932-2018)
'There are people who die well,' beloved pastor and author Eugene Peterson said recently, 'and I want to be one.' Well, Eugene achieved his goal. After decades spent nurturing a worldwide audience through his 30-plus books, Eugene Peterson has died. Best known for his paraphrase of the Bible called The Message, he will be remembered
How Can We Stay Civil in the Age of Outrage? Here are Three Ideas
Political antagonism is growing across the globe. Some have called this culturally polarised time the ‘age of outrage’. In taking a stand for our chosen cause, we’re losing civility. Here are some ways we can stay civil and respectful in the face of our differences.
Burnout Begins With Weariness. Here’s How to Stop it Going Further
There is a cost to giving. At it's worst that cost is burnout—the emotional (and often physical) collapse of someone who has spent too long pouring out without filling up. Psychiatrist Robert Coles wrote about the hazards that come with a life of service and giving. It was the warning signs of burnout that really
What is the Gospel and What’s Your Role in it? Introducing the Awakening Project
Christians talk a lot about ‘the gospel’. We talk about hearing the gospel, believing the gospel, sharing the gospel with others. But what is the gospel? When I went onto the streets to see who could tell me, I got answers like: It's something to do with the Bible and church
You Are Known By Name
I have an embarrassing habit of forgetting people's names, even of people I've known for years (it’s pretty bad—you’ll laugh.) Since names are more than mere words, it’s a weakness I wish I could beat. Thankfully there’s Someone who knows you by name, and who will never forget it.
Heaven is a Symphony Playing All Around You. Here Are Three Ways to Hear it
Modern Christianity has been criticized at times for being about little more than “a ticket to heaven”. But it’s so, so much more. Heaven is where God is, and since God is everywhere, heaven isn't just 'up there' but touches earth too. Here’s some ways we can glimpse heaven's reality now…
On Death Row for 28 Years. Here’s How Anthony Ray Hinton Stayed Joyful
In 1985 Anthony Ray Hinton was charged with a double-murder, found guilty by a jury, and sentenced to death. But he was innocent. His sentence was overturned only in 2015—nearly thirty years later. What’s most astounding about Ray’s story is that he faced those 28 gruelling, unfair years with joy. How?