How to Stop Work From Taking Over Your Life
Checking email at all hours. Catching up on work every weekend. Feeling like you should be doing something productive when you rest. If you've been caught up in the modern malady of overwork you're not alone. In this warm conversation with Mary Hynes, host of CBC Canada's Tapestry program, you'll hear us explore how society
Being Heard is the First Step to Healing
'Being heard is the first step to healing.' These words from Patrick Regan sum up well the TV conversation you're about to see. In this TBN UK interview Patrick and I discuss the importance of sharing your emotions, why telling someone to 'man up' or 'have more faith' doesn't work, how to understand God's role
Whatever Your Job is Today, Treat it as a Caring Profession. Here’s Why
For most of us the phrase ‘caring profession' probably brings to mind jobs like nursing, teaching and social work. But this list is far too small. Remove the 'care' element from other occupations and people get diminished, especially the most vulnerable. I discovered this afresh recently when I talked to Sarah, whose everyday life becomes
Star Dust and Lunar Buggies. An Interview with Charlie Duke, the 10th Man on the Moon
This Saturday marks the 50th anniversary of humankind’s first step on the moon. Only twelve people have set foot on that bright grey satellite we gaze at each night. Charlie Duke was the tenth. In this fascinating interview, you’ll hear him describe the experience in gripping detail. What's it like to be strapped into a
Time to Rethink Our Attitude to Singleness
More and more of us are single. In the United Kingdom, over a third of the adult population of England and Wales are single, more than half of 25–44 year olds, and singleness is increasing in every age group with 50–64 year olds growing the fastest. Some embrace the single life with joy, others don't,
What a Little Girl Named Phoebe Can Tell Us About Ourselves
A few weeks ago I spoke at a secular conference for childless couples—an audience of men and women wondering what to do with their lives now they may not become parents. After I'd spoken, a woman approached me in tears. “I've been wondering all day why I came," she said, "but now I know. I
Bring The Making of Us to Your Small Group With This FREE Leader’s Guide and Personalised Video
Are you part of a reading group, book club or church small group? I hope so, as I believe they're a powerful tool for personal growth. Having discovered that people are using The Making of Us in such groups, I decided to write a 7-session Leader's Guide to help facilitate discussion. And then I thought,
Our Busy Lives Are Awe-Deprived. Here Are 6 Ways to Find Wonder Again
'We live in an awe-deprived world,' writes Christine Sine. 'We sit in front of computers, not under trees and rarely take time to notice the grandeur of God’s world and of those we share it with.' Since a regular dose of awe makes us physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy, this is to our detriment. How
A Conversation on Finding Your Deeper Identity and Purpose
When you can't become who you want to be, you can still become who you're meant to be. And the person you're meant to be is so much bigger than you've dreamed. In the last few weeks I have done dozens of radio interviews across the US, UK and Australia sharing lessons like this from
Touched by God Through a Truck Driver’s Hands
One surreal morning some months ago, Merryn and I woke to the news that her father had been taken to hospital following a serious car crash, and my father had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. To complicate matters, my dad is also my mother’s full-time carer, and they all live in Australia. With both parents