013 The Day I Met Biniyam [Podcast]
He lives in a one room shack in Ethiopia. He sleeps on a lino mat on the floor, pushes a cart for pocket money when he's not at school, loves soccer and wants to be singer. He is 17 year old Biniyam and in this podcast you're going to meet him.
Poverty and Beauty. My Trip to Ethiopia in 34 Pictures
Yes, Ethiopia has its poverty. But it also has immense beauty. I saw both aspects when I visited to see the work of Food for the Hungry. In this short photo essay I hope you'll see how important child sponsorship is to combating the poverty, and how rich the Ethiopians are in beauty.
012 Your Resurrection Year Stories [Podcast/Video]
Since its release four weeks ago, I've been receiving emails almost every day from readers telling me how Resurrection Year has changed their lives. In this video and podcast you will hear some of these touching stories.
Resurrection Year Reviews
Reviews are quickly coming in for Resurrection Year. On this page you'll find links to key print and blog articles about the book, plus radio and TV interviews. Do add your own review of the book too!
011 Being Heard in a Secular World [Podcast/Video]
In this video and podcast I outline the four commitments that drove the Open House radio show I and the Hope Media team created in 2006 to engage 'spiritual but not religious' people. If you're interested in communicating faith to a secular world, these four ideas might help you too.
010 The Wisdom of Staying Home. An Interview with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove [Podcast]
In a world where travel is affordable, jobs are disposable and overseas friends are just a mouse-click away, it’s easy to become lured by the greener grass of 'elsewhere'. According to Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, all this moving means we’re missing out on one of God’s best gifts.
009 Our Journey of Infertility, Adoption and IVF
The secret is out. Merryn and I have never been able to have children. In this video and podcast I tell our story of infertility, IVF and attempted adoption, and how we were able to start again after bringing the dream of a family to an end.
‘I Needed this Book’ John Smith on Resurrection Year
A few weeks ago I received a phone call from John Smith, the radical Australian minister, speaker and God's Squad motorcycle club founder. He told me my book Resurrection Year had moved him deeply. I asked him to put his feelings into words.
Watch the Resurrection Year Webcast [Video]
To celebrate the launch of Resurrection Year on May 28, Merryn and I would like to invite you to a special event at our place: a video webcast, streamed live from our lounge room with authors Adrian and Bridget Plass as special guests!
Resurrection Year FREE Chapter: Making Love in Paris
Read chapter 7 of Resurrection Year FREE. The 'wilderness' season of infertility and loss is behind us, Merryn and I are into our 'Resurrection Year', and here we learn some lessons on what to be grateful for while wandering the streets of Paris.