Announcing Our New Film on Dealing with Broken Dreams
This was never what Merryn and I expected to happen. I wrote a book about broken dreams. People started reading it. Emails came in from readers. The book got shortlisted for an award. And now they're making a documentary about it. Here's what happened behind-the-scenes of the filming this week!
038 Adrian Plass Turns the Tables on Me
I've interviewed best-selling author-poet-humourist Adrian Plass a number of times. Now he's gotten his revenge! While co-leading a writers retreat recently, Adrian asked me a few questions about life, faith, writing and nerves while sharing his own special brand of humour. The result was a lot of fun.
Home Schooling My Autistic Son Helped Me Start Again
'Had I picked a resurrection year for myself, it wouldn't have looked like this' writes fantasy author LR Saul. 'And I would have missed out on so much.' Read on to discover how God surprises us with new beginnings - in Lisa's case, through home schooling her autistic son.
Bob Marley’s Inspiration
Bob Marley was buried with a guitar, a Bible, and a bud of marijuana in his coffin. He was a Rastafarian most of his life before converting to Christianity just before his death. His life and beliefs were complex. But he inspired his audience with the biblical story of heaven.
037 Recovering Your Creative Calling with Andy Crouch
Culture isn't a word reserved for artists. If you plant gardens, plan towns, cook, sew, play sport or do business, you are also involved in culture-making. In this interview with Andy Crouch you'll learn how to recover your creative calling as someone who shapes the world for good, whatever gifts and interests you have.
036 The Problem with Kitsch Jesus
You’ll find him in Christian bookstores, on ‘Christian art’ sites and all over Facebook. He may hang on your friend's lounge room wall, or even on your own. He is kitsch Jesus. But while he may remind us of how sweet and gentle he is, kitsch Jesus has a problem. Here he is in pictorial
035 The Shane Claiborne Interview
Throwing thousands of dollars away on the steps of the New York Stock Exchange. Calling Mother Teresa of Calcutta and asking for an internship. Planting community gardens in abandoned blocks. It's all in a day's work for 'ordinary radical' Shane Claiborne.
A Lesson on Courage
Each week 16 million people listen to BBC Radio 2. Now, not all of them were listening when I joined early morning host Alex Lester on Easter Monday to present the long-running Pause for Thought segment, but a few were! I was asked to talk about courage. Here's what I came up with.
034 Will I Regret it?
It's time to talk about regret. Or more specifically, the fear of future regret. If you decide it's time to let your unfulfilled dream go, will you one day regret it? Read this touching letter from Renee. What advice would you give her?
033 When Do You Let a Dream Die?
In Resurrection Year I shared how Merryn and I brought our dream of having a family to an end. Since then I've even advised people that giving up a dream can be important for their healing. But one major question remains, one I’ve been reluctant to address until now: When do you know it's time