049 Life With God: The Richard Foster Interview
Richard Foster is one of the most significant spiritual writers of our day. The author of bestselling books like 'Celebration of Discipline' and 'Life with God', his life is dedicated to helping us live deeply in a superficial world. In this personal interview you'll hear Richard share his formative experiences, his spiritual highs and lows,
Introducing My New Book Project: Resilient!
I’m excited! Very excited in fact. Today dear friends I announce to you my next book project called 'Resilient: Your Invitation to a Jesus-Shaped Life'. It’s all about developing inner strength to weather life’s storms and flourish. The book releases worldwide on Wednesday October 21. There’ll be a short film series too, plus some free
048 Finding God in Unexpected Places (5 Great Stories)
Elijah searched for God in a whirlwind but found him in a whisper. Jacob found him in his dreams, Moses in a burning bush, and Mary Magdalene looked for him in a tomb but found him standing behind her. God always seems to turn up in unexpected places. Here are five contemporary stories to show
047 How and When to Share Your Pain with Others
By taking the risky step of sharing your pain with others, surprising community can result. That was the message of my last post and podcast. But there's a time to share your suffering with others and a time not to. Here's how to work out the difference.
046 Your Pain Can Get You Inside This Secret Tribe
There is a Tribe whose members are both hidden and everywhere around you. Initiation to this Tribe comes through suffering, inclusion comes through pain. If you’ve walked through the wilderness and born wounds from it, you’re an initiate. Take the vulnerable step of revealing your scars and you’ll soon be welcomed in.
Saying Goodbye to Ali, Thanking God for His Gifts
Merryn and I lost a friend this week. We first met Ali as she was battling ovarian cancer and watched her fight with remarkable perseverance, cheer, even cheekiness. And at first it looked like she'd won. But on Friday Ali left us. Here's the remarkable story I will probably most remember her for.
045 How Author Beth Moran Broke Her Life of Silence
Imagine dropping grades in exams because your pen ran out of ink and you couldn’t ask for a replacement. Imagine hiding from friends you saw in the street because you were too afraid to say hello. That was author Beth Moran's life. In this interview you'll hear how she can now sit on a conference
What Makes You Happy? Whatever it is, it Points to Something Greater
What makes you happy? The smell of baked bread, seeing adversity overcome, viewing the world through a child's eyes or sinking into soft pillows at the end the day? Here are a few things that make me happy, and why I believe everyday joys like these point to something greater still.
This 7th-Century Saint Can Help You Discover Your Gifts
Saint Hilda was a woman ahead of her time. A profound teacher, patron of the arts and spiritual guide to both peasant and king, the story I love most about her is her interaction with a farmhand named Caedmon. As Hilda helps Caedmon test his unexpected calling, we too can learn how to discover our
When God Says No. A FREE Booklet for You
The wilderness of broken dreams can be a harsh place to dwell. Thank God there’s more to it than disappointment. In this FREE ebook and companion guide I explore what God does through such wilderness moments. Whether it's infertility, singleness, divorce, a lost career, or some other heartbreak, God uses these times to reveal our