How to Write a Book in 7 Simple Steps (My Highly Inefficient Process in Pictures)
Well-written books on important topics can change lives, if not the world. But where do you start? Well, for all you budding authors, I now offer you my step-by-step, pictorial guide. At least, it’s a guide to how I do it. I’m the first to admit my process is messy and highly inefficient. But hey,
Everything in This Cafe is Free—Just Like God’s Gifts
Imagine walking into a cafe, ordering a flat white and a piece of cake, sitting down at a table while they're brought to you, and then, after enjoying your morning tea, you go to pay the bil
UK Friends: Get My Award-Winning Book for Just £2
In 2005 I wrote a little book called Unseen Footprints: Encountering the Divine Along the Journey of Life. (That's Merryn and me at the book launch, a few kilograms lighter than we are now!) The book went on to win the 2006 Australian Christian Book of the Year Award, was released worldwide in 2007, and
Guilty Pleasures: Should I Or Shouldn’t I?
When BBC Radio 2 asked me to talk about guilty pleasures, it wasn't my obsession with 80s soul and funk music, or my tendency to eat Nutella from the jar, or the sneaky flavours I sometimes add to my coffee, that was my deepest concern. It was my habit of sitting in coffee shops for
062 How Your Words and Art Can Create Hope In A Broken World
In a world where there is brokenness and decay at every turn, how can Christians be a voice of hope? How can we ensure our words, messages, conversations and art bring hope that is inspiring yet practical at the same time? At the 2015 Premier Digital Conference, I spoke on the topic of creating hope,
061 Three Questions to Ask When God Seems Silent
Although Merryn and I tried to start a family for 10 years, and sought God diligently the whole time, one of the most perplexing things about our journey was God’s silence. We heard him speak on other things during that time, but never on our pursuit of a family. It was hard. Biblical heroes experienced
060 Reading the Bible with Your Heart and Mind
It's one thing to read the Bible with our eyes and our mind—and another thing to truly engage our heart. But if the Bible is God's primary way of communicating with us, it makes sense to learn to read it deeply. Here are some keys to reading God's word from Celebration of Discipline author Richard
Some days we wake to a world of crystal skies and bright possibilities. And other days it’s to rain pelting our windows and thunder rattling our roofs. How can we stay strong when the storms of life hit—when a spouse leaves, a client sues, unemployment strikes, or our dreams fail to come true? Rich with
The Resilient Audiobook
How can you stay strong when the storms of life hit? To find out, plug in your headphones, and take a 90-day AUDIO journey with me through Jesus' Sermon On the Mount. Yes friends, after weeks of recording and editing, the 'Resilient' audiobook is here—an unabridged recording of my devotional that will recalibrate your callings,
The Resilient DVD
During a particularly challenging time in my life, I began reading Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount in depth. What I found there captured my soul and changed me deeply. The result was 'Resilient'. You've heard about the book and audiobook—now, the DVD. And the first session's FREE.